Racer Info

This page is a “tutorial” for those of you that want to join the awesome world of drag racing but don’t know exactly what it entails. So, hold on to your helmets and read on!


Be a spectator your first time. Look, listen and learn! If possible, go with someone that has gone before. Look at the track officials and see how they direct the racers by hand gestures. This is very important.
When you’re ready to give it a go, check our schedule for Friday Night Drags Presented By Go Fast. These nights are open for anyone to make as many passes as they want. Some seasoned racers use these nights to test and tune their cars.
Everyone racing knows what it is like to be a first timer. If you have a question, ask! (just don’t pick the racer first in line in the staging lanes that is ready to go) Any one wearing our track shirts can answer your questions, if they don’t know they will ask. Either way your questions will be answered.
Firebird Motorsports Park | icon bird


Firebird Motorsports Park | icon bird


  • Question: “Can Drag Racing make me a Millionaire?”
  • Answer: “Yes, only if you’re a Billionaire.”